Photo Essay: London, April 5 - 7

Get used to this sort of thing, folks - it's way easy to take a picture and way difficult to write a blog, and between jet lag and physical exhaustion from walking all over the place, most nights when I get home I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt. Thus, please enjoy:

These cars were part of a small children's carousel set up at the local shopping center in Harrow, the suburb where I'm living. In order to make the cars seem exciting and realistic, the manufacturers evidently decided to put the names of random American states all over them.

No matter where you go in London, the suburbs are uniformly rustic and charming like this. I would know - I've ridden past a few billion houses like these on the tube, and all of them look just like these, in that you expect them to be full of magical nannies and mischievous, singing children.

I think we've established that the only people who will get this besides me are my Dad and Jack Brazil. So yuk it up, guys.

I was feeling a bit out of sorts and alone on my walk to class on the first day, but then I saw this and felt right at home all over again. (Yes, I know most of my pictures from London so far have been of otherwise unremarkable signs and children's rides; the good stuff is coming.)

Woah! Double decker buses AND black taxis? Well this is basically the most characteristically London picture ever! If only there was a...


Here in downtown London, there's one of these on pretty much every street. And after dark, it's like Taco Tuesday EVERY NIGHT.

Alleys in London are more than just places for restaurants to put Dumpsters and hobos to masturbate - here, they actually have shops and pubs in them.

See? Nobody in this picture is a hobo, and I was the only one masturbating.

Truman Capps took something like 300 pictures in two days - expect more on Facebook once he has the time to get to uploading everything.