Carb Guy
This fucking carb bastard is laughing at me. OHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH
As a child my primary interests were Goldeneye 64 and sour
cream, a combination that resulted in me being a fat little son of a bitch with
a terrible haircut for the first 13-odd years of my life. Then, puberty threw
me a bone* and I hit my growth spurt, so by the time I got to high school I was
still aesthetically unappealing in a lot of ways, but no longer overweight.
*There’s a boner joke in here but I’m not going to go
looking for it.
Today, I pride myself on being a relatively lean adult, even
though I really have nothing to be proud of. It’s not like at the age of 12 I took
the initiative and devised a fitness regimen to get into shape – I just sat
around being alive until my hormones made my height more appropriate to my
weight. I guess you could say I’ve got a fat little boy deep inside m- OKAY NEXT
Since I never did anything to stop being fat, I don’t have
any particularly good eating or exercise habits, and my continued thinness is
pretty much dumb luck thanks to my metabolism. But I know that won’t last
forever, and I’m afraid that when it shuts down I’ll gradually revert back to
my prior fatness, kind of like Flowers
for Algernon but with an all-you-can-eat Indian lunch buffet.
To that end, I’ve been trying to be healthier this year –
I’ve been walking a mile or two at lunch every day, I’ve cut my Diet Coke
consumption drastically, and I’ve eaten more salads than I’d care to admit.
Through it all, though, my weight has steadfastly remained the same.
Maybe it’s a sign from the universe that some higher power
needs me to be exactly this weight, per some intricate plan beyond human
comprehension. As a child I was too heavy to fulfill my destiny so the universe
made me my current weight; now all attempts to decrease that weight are in vain
because the universe needs me to be exactly 175 pounds.
What’s more likely is that I’m fucking something up, so when
I went back to the doctor for a followup appointment yesterday I brought the
matter up with him. His suggestion was, “Why don’t you try cutting carbs for
the next two weeks?”
Here are some of my Google searches from the past 18
what are carbs
what foods have carbs
does peanut butter
have carbs
how many carbs does
peanut butter have
do they make peanut
butter without carbs in it
have alison brie and
dave franco broken up
What I’ve learned is that pretty much every bachelor food I
subsist on – pasta, rice, sandwiches – are choc-a-bloc full of carbs. I’ve also
learned that cutting carbs will make me ‘irritable’ for a couple of weeks,
because apparently carbs are natural mood enhancers. This does not bode well –
I’m pretty irritable even when I’m shoving open faced peanut butter sandwiches
and Safeway Select egg noodles into my face, so I might have to join a fight
club for the next couple of weeks or something.
I don’t know if this is nine hours of carb-withdrawal
talking, but I already hate everything about my new diet.
I’ve spent my time in LA trying as hard as I can to not be
an LA guy, and then today when one of my coworkers asked me what I wanted for lunch
I found myself saying, “I don’t know – I’m cutting carbs, so maybe a lettuce
wrap?” Hey baby, I can give you a ride to lunch in my white convertible 1983 Chrysler
LeBaron, so long as you don’t mind me calling my life coach from my car phone.
Cocaine’s in the glove box – help yourself!
I also hate calling them ‘carbs’ – as though my fast paced,
healthy lifestyle doesn’t allow me to slow down long enough to say ‘-ohydrates’
every time I explain to somebody what I can’t have. Hell, for all my Googling
I’m still not sure I could tell you what carbs are – my best explanation is, “They’re like science things in your
food that make you happy but also fat.”
I grew up in a family of food lovers, and I always figured
that when the time came for me to lose weight I’d just start exercising
aggressively so I could keep my preferred diet more or less intact, probably because
I always assume that the future version of me is going to be a much smarter,
more responsible person than I ever will be. Regular readers will recall that
even the thought of exercise is
enough to trigger an existential crisis for me, to the point that I’d rather
take a shower with John Boehner than go to the gym.
I’m still an overweight 11 year old. I hate sweating and I’m
slowly customizing my room so that I can control my lights, TV, and computer
without getting out of bed. For me, being lazy isn’t a bad habit – it’s a
lifestyle choice. The fact of the matter is that my passion in life is writing,
and that activity only rewards people who spend a whole lot of time sitting
perfectly still and staring at a screen.
To a lazy person, not doing something is almost always
preferable to doing something. So the choice between getting a gym membership,
carving time out of my day to go there, and building a workout routine or
simply not eating bread, rice, and
pasta isn’t really a choice at all.
I guess what I’m saying is, if I’m an asshole to you in the
next couple of weeks, it’s not because I’m a dyed in the wool asshole. It’s
just because I don’t have enough carbs, and for that reason it’s actually
really irresponsible of you to get mad at me because it’s a medical condition
beyond my control.
Wow. Actually, this no carb thing is kind of like a ‘get out
of shame free’ card! The only way this could be better would be if I was eating
a big, fluffy croissant right now.
Truman Capps apologizes to all LeBaron