Nice Guys
If you're looking for a "nice guy", check under one of these.
There’s a term that gets tossed around all the time in
Reddit comment sections, Facebook status updates, and idle male chatter that
makes me roll my eyes hard enough to cause serious ocular damage. The term is
“nice guy”, and it’s done more to tarnish the reputation of sexually frustrated
young men than any Judd Apatow movie – and as a sexually frustrated young man,
that really offends me. I’m mad as hell, and I’m going to spend the next 950
words explaining why I’m mad!
For the uninitiated among you, men use terms like “nice guy”
when discussing their (usually unsuccessful) relations with women. Here’s an
“Sloan and I hang out
at the mall and talk on the phone all the time, but she just started going
steady with that jerk Chad who works at the travel agency! I don’t get why
girls always date bogus losers but never nice
guys like me – they avoid me like the Noid! I also don’t get why it’s
apparently the 1980s in this example.”
The gist of it is that “nice guys” believe themselves to be
love’s long suffering martyrs: Despite the fact that they’re nothing but
respectful and courteous to the women in their life, those cold-hearted bitches
never think of them as anything more than friends. Hang around a group of
younger men long enough and you’re bound to hear a “nice guy” griping about
being trapped in some girl’s “friendzone” – a sexless place where cruel women
imprison “nice guys” and force them to watch and listen as they get their
hearts broken by one douche boyfriend after another.
What disgusts me about “nice guys” is that they seem to
believe that men who are polite should be allowed to have sex with whoever they
want to, and that any woman who doesn’t play ball with that notion is a manipulative
bitch who has emasculated them. In that regard, self-proclaimed “nice guys” are
really Al Bundy-style chauvinist assholes.
I hold doors open for people, recycle, say ‘please’ and
‘thank you,’ use my turn signals, make eye contact with waiters and laugh at
their jokes – even the ones that aren’t funny.* I’m a nice guy. And when I’m
trying to describe things about myself that I believe make me attractive to the
opposite sex, the fact that I’m nice doesn’t even make the list because there isn’t anything hot about common
*”Ha ha ha! Did you hear that, guys? The dessert special is Very Berry Cobbler! It rhymes and it’s descriptive of the dessert’s
fruit content!”
“Hi, I test my smoke
detectors every six months – can I buy you a drink?”
“You may not know it
to look at me, but I’ve never once eaten somebody else’s lunch out of the
fridge at work. Mind if I have a seat?”
“Hey baby. I always
make sure to park less than six inches away from the curb to ensure that my car
doesn’t impede the flow of traffic. Want to get out of here?”
I’m going to say in all seriousness something that will make
a lot of my readers laugh harder than any other line I’ve put on this blog in
five years: I, Truman Capps, have some idea of what women want.
Women want to be with someone interesting. I know this because I want to be with someone
interesting, and I’m of the controversial opinion that men and women are not
only members of the same species but also are looking for similar things in a
romantic partner.
“Nice guys” who are reading this: Suppose you know a girl
who really, really likes you. Her greatest point of pride is the fact that she has
good manners. She doesn’t have any particular interests, doesn’t read or watch
much TV, no real goals or aspirations, and her only hobby is being nice.
“What did you do this
“I was nice! I went to
the park and was nice to people, and then I got lunch and was really nice to my
waiter, and then I just went home and was nice alone for
a couple of hours before going to bed early. Thank you for asking! How about you?”
Would you really want to invest a huge amount of your time
and energy in that person? If the answer is no, then why the hell would you
expect a woman to be bowled over by you when “niceness” is the one thing that
supposedly sets you apart from other guys?
Being nice is pleasant, but not interesting. It’s possible
to be nice and interesting – holla
back, Ryan Gosling! – but between the two, interesting is the real panty
dropper. Women date assholes because assholes tend to be interesting enough to
make up for their lack of niceness.* Full stop. That’s the secret. Where’s my
Nobel Prize?
*The vast majority of the women I know are dating guys who
are so interesting, wonderful, and nice that I wish I was dating them.
The good news for “nice guys” is that everyone is
interesting. My advice to any “nice guy” desperate enough to listen to pickup tips
from the single guy with a blog would be to take the time you spend on the
Internet talking about how unappreciated your “niceness” is and invest it in
the qualities and activities that you think make you interesting.
Sooner or later you’re bound to meet a woman through this
activity (provided your interesting activity isn’t competitive helicopter
dicking) who shares your interests, and then you’ll discover that being in a
relationship with someone you care about is its own can of worms.
I hope that at no point in this update I’ve given the
impression that I consider myself an expert on women, because I’m far from it.
I think a lot of this ought to be common sense, but it seems like every day I
see some “nice guy” claiming that all women are stupid or evil because he’s
been rejected by a few of them, opting to write off 51% of humanity when the
common denominator in all of his failures is him.
If you’re “nice” because you expect something in return,
you’re actually kind of an asshole – and not even the cool, dangerous type of asshole who gets
Truman Capps apologizes profusely to his mother for using the term 'panty dropper' in his blog.