Check It
"It's a hard-knock life for us..."
I didn’t get angry when I read TIME’s reprint of the op-ed
written by 19-year-old Princeton freshman Tal Fortgang, in which he bravely
takes a stand for white men everywhere by decrying the notion that white
privilege exists. Part of that was because, as a privileged white male myself,
it was kind of interesting to hear somebody try to stick up for us, even if all
of his arguments were ill informed and hypocritical. But mostly, I just felt
sorry for him, because Tal Fortgang sounds a lot like I did when I was a 19
year old with an opinion column.
If you ever find yourself holding a college newspaper, do
yourself a favor and steer clear of the opinion section. Flip the paper over
and start doing the back page Sudoku instead. If you’re really interested in
hearing what the opinion columnists have to say, find the paper’s masthead,
write down all of their names, wait five years, Google those names, and read
whatever they’re writing then. I promise you it’ll be much, much better than
what they were writing when they were undergrads at a college paper – and the
writers will probably be very thankful that you avoided their early stuff, too.
I applied for an open opinion columnist position at my
college paper, the Oregon Daily Emerald,
when I was 19. I had been writing this blog for a year or so and
although at the time I had little interest in print media or research or
current events or even journalism itself, I figured that having an opinion
column would be a good way to expose a greater audience to the overwrought,
wordy bullshit I was writing at the time and drive traffic to my blog. I got
the job because nobody else applied.
I wrote a lot of crap. I packed my columns with big words
because at the time I thought it made me sound smarter, I halfheartedly
supported my opinions with weak, hastily thought out arguments, and my research
and fact checking were so poor that once the paper had to issue a retraction on
my behalf. I got a bunch of hate mail, a few scathing write-ups in the campus
conservative paper, and a parody of one of my columns – written by someone else
under my name – published in the campus’s humor magazine, in which I was
skewered as a spoiled, arrogant kid who didn’t know what he was talking about.
The following year, I didn’t reapply for the job.
I wasn’t a bad writer – my writing at the time just happened
to be bad, because I was still learning how to write and things have to be bad
before they can get better. It was an embarrassing, humbling year, but I
learned a lot and I think I’m a much better writer now because of it. I don’t
like knowing that there’s bad work out there with my name on it, but I take
comfort in the fact that, no matter how ill informed my opinions were or how
confusing my prose was, it was only read by a few thousand people. And even
they didn’t care too much because
they knew college op-eds are mostly bullshit anyway.
Tal Fortgang’s column reminds me a lot of the ones I used to
write – full of impressive vocabulary, poorly thought out reasoning, and a
heaping spoonful of self righteousness. There are a few differences, of course:
Tal goes to a much better school than I went to, he appears to be the sort of
college Republibro who starts every argument with “I’m a libertarian, so…”, and for some reason his clumsy, racially
charged column was republished in one of the most widely circulated magazines
in the world.
In his column, Tal explains that he’s sick and tired of
being told by his nonwhite classmates to “check his privilege” because his race
and gender have had no bearing whatsoever on his success. He feels that his
only privilege was that his hardworking grandparents “…[came] to a country that grants equal protection under the law to its citizens, that cares not about religion or race, but the content of your character."
That claim is mind-blowingly ignorant. The only way you
can possibly think that the United States is a colorblind meritocracy where
anybody who works hard can succeed is if you ignore pretty much every available statistic about
poverty, income inequality, education, violence, law enforcement, incarceration, and voting rights.
Tal’s grandparents doubtless
worked very hard to build his family’s fortune, but they had the distinct
advantage (or even, I don’t know, privilege)
of being white people in a society run by white people. Nobody handed them
anything on a silver platter, but nobody lynched them or organized violent mobs
to keep their children out of school, either.
Tal Fortgang is clearly
intelligent. But he’s also clearly 19 years old. He wrote a crappy opinion
column where the central argument is built on a gaping logical chasm – whenever
I did that, my column would run in the paper barely anybody read, I’d get some
flak in my inbox, and that would be that. But instead, TIME picked up the
column, and now Tal has managed to piss off basically everybody who doesn’t
write for Breitbart.
I hope that after all this
dies down, everybody forgets the name Tal Fortgang – for Tal’s sake. Every good
writer has churned out mountains of crap, and it would be sad for him
to spend the rest of his life answering for one stupid thing he wrote a few
months after moving out of his parents’ house - that could prove be a real disadvantage.
Truman Capps tried
very hard to work “Chiggidy check yo’ privilege before your wreck yo’ privilege”
in here somewhere, but he failed.