The League
"I miss when everybody was just pissed at me about concussions..."
I love a good college football game, but coming from
Portland and living in LA I’ve never been in a city with a pro football team. This
usually leaves me feeling bitter and left out when people at work from places
like Denver or Chicago start chattering about points and playoffs and fantasy
teams. For the past couple of weeks, though, not watching the NFL has given me
a wonderful, smug glow of moral superiority – I am no longer simply not
watching the NFL because I don’t have a team; now I’m standing on principle and
boycotting it.
From the outside looking in, here’s how I see it: The NFL is
a (nonprofit!) organization that takes young men, some of whom have aggressive
tendencies, and gives them huge sums of money and godlike celebrity status to
play a game that routinely results in brain damage. I’m not saying this to try
and apologize for the actions of thugs who beat the shit out of their loved
ones at the drop of a hat; I’m saying this to make it clear that unless the NFL
undergoes a lot of major structural changes, I don’t see this problem going
away anytime soon.
I don’t think that anybody at the NFL is pro-domestic
violence. I have no doubt that in even their most candid moments, every NFL
executive thinks domestic abuse is horrible and needs to stop. It’s just that
as an organization, the NFL really doesn’t have to do anything more than the
bare minimum necessary to appear concerned about the problem – so why would
Right now, everybody hates the NFL, and their Ferguson
Police Department-esque crisis management skills haven’t helped much. Multiple senators have written angry letters and, more importantly, one of the NFL’s largest sponsors released a tersely worded statement criticizing the league’s multiple
PR disasters. Personally, I think it’s kind of cute that despite the billions
and billions of dollars, like most other nonprofits the NFL is still apparently
run by enthusiastic but undertrained volunteers.
So everybody’s angry, but not angry enough to stop watching
football. In fact, everybody’s watching more football, probably because of all the free publicity the NFL is getting every
day in pretty much every major news outlet. At a Ravens bar in Baltimore,
there’s reportedly been an uptick in attendance by patrons who “…are wanting to see the Ravens fail.”
Fortunately for the NFL, the people hate-watching the Ravens are also
hate-watching commercials, and that’s the only thing that really matters.
Again, I think that if the NFL had a button they could push
that would make their players stop beating their wives and children, they would
have mashed it several hundred times well before now. If there was a cheap,
easy fix to this problem, it would be swiftly implemented. But there isn’t a
cheap, easy fix – the real solution would be to adopt a zero-tolerance code of
conduct that would obviously see multiple popular players banned from the
league every year. Axing peoples’ favorite players from the league is one thing
that actually could get people to stop watching the NFL. Maintaining the status
quo, on the other hand, costs nothing and has no real consequences besides a national
guilt tripping.
Imagine if there wasn’t a law against not paying your taxes.
The government still asks you to pay
taxes, of course, but if you choose not to pay them all they do is send you a
really nasty letter. Under those circumstances, would you really still pay your taxes? I mean, it’s just a simple choice
between doing what is clearly the moral and responsible thing to do or having a
bunch of extra money every week. But virtue is its own reward, right?
Sure, Anheuser-Busch said they were disappointed, because
they undoubtedly were – domestic violence is horrible and the nonprofit they
sponsor is not responding properly. But it’s not like Anheuser-Busch is
seriously going to stop sponsoring the NFL. Too many people are making too much
money for that to happen. And some folks may make a stink about it, but will
they really be mad enough to boycott the company that makes their favorite beer
for supporting the league that plays their favorite sport?
It’s easy for me to get on my high horse about this stuff
because I don’t drink beer and I don’t watch pro football. But if the
showrunners for The Americans got
busted for dogfighting, would I really stop watching The Americans? If Sriracha manufacturer Huy Fong Foods bought
airtime on Rush Limbaugh’s show, would I just eat my steamed rice and broccoli
plain? If I found out Alison Brie was anti-vaccine, would I find a new standard
for perfection?
Millions of people have deep, traditional, emotional
connections to teams and players in the NFL, many of which aren’t involved in
these scandals. At that point, it starts to become a question of just how
egregious a moral offense has to be to get you to give up a part of your
identity that brings you a lot of pride and joy. If the NFL was openly
promoting domestic violence, I’m sure there would be a boycott – because
everyone agrees that domestic violence is horrible and should not be promoted.
But the NFL isn’t promoting domestic violence; they’re just
not doing enough to stop it. And they’re sorry about that – they’re super sorry, and they promise they’re
going to try really hard to get better in ways that aren’t exactly clear yet. People
aren’t going to start canceling their Fantasy Football teams just because the
NFL sucks at crisis management. And as a result, the NFL will never have a compelling reason to try and prevent those crises in the first place.
When you love something a lot, it can be hard to walk away - even when it gives you a good reason to.
Truman Capps is now less enthusiastic about LA supposedly getting a team.